Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Hiking Cerro Apante

3 - 4 Hour Day Trip From the Center of Matagalpa

When you arrive to Matagalpa, one of the first things that hits you smack in the face are the mountains all around you. The center of the city sits in a valley between the Dariense and Isabela mountain ranges.  It looks like a charming ski resort town that perpetually exists in summertime. 

If you happen to follow the mountains to the southwest, you will no doubt notice a giant cross that overlooks the town. Religion is huge in Nicaragua and all it takes is to look at literally ANY bus or taxi that passes you by to confirm that fact. They almost all display some reference, or blessing from God or Jesus prominently on their windshields. 

Whatever your religious beliefs, the cross is actually pretty cool to look at, and believe it or not, it isn't that difficult to reach - you just have to know what you're doing. It's pretty easy for travelers to get swindled by tour companies or guides who will charge you upwards of $15 per person to essentially just show you the way. 

And that way is this: There is a main shopping street in Matagalpa that runs North to South called >la calle principal

If you start at the Cathedral, you can ostensibly follow this street all the way South until you reach the trailhead to the Cerro Apante Hike. From the Cathedral, the walk should take you approximately 30-45 minutes. You will be able to tell exactly when you have left downtown because the road begins to slope upward and the pavement runs out. These two factors coupled, the incline and the dirt road will make you almost feel as if you have already begun your hike - which you have.

On the slope, you will pass local "quickie marts" called "Pulperias," countless stray dogs, people of all ages sitting outside of their houses, possibly smiling at you, possibly eyeing you. *Note: Whenever out and about in Nicaragua, a good rule of thumb is to never take anything of value with you - credit cards and passports should always remain out of sight and locked at your accomodation. This is especially true for when you leave the center of the city.

After about a 10-15 minute walk up the hill, you will come to a big sign on your left hand side announcing the start of the Cerro Apante Trail. The entrance fee is 30 cordobas. Despite telling you this, the man taking your money might still try to up-sell you on a guide for the low low price of $20 per person. ($1pp vs $20pp - you be the judge)

The full trail is 2.4 kilometers in length and runs in a circuit - which is nice given that you don't have to backtrack. The sign warns that it is a high level of difficulty hike, but that is an overestimation. If you are at all physically fit, you will be able to complete this hike without problem.

It starts out at a gradual incline through a grassy meadow and to your right, you can see the beginnings of a stream that is formed by a huge waterfall further up the trail. The path twists and winds under trees that provide shade for almost the entire way. 

You reach the waterfall about halfway into your hike. Before you get there, there are a few relatively steep climbs and portions of the trail where you have to cross water. There are large boulders to step on, however, and a wire that you can hold onto as you cross. (Thankfully your 30 cordobas have gone to pay for more than just the man in khaki to sit outside the entrance.) 

The views during this part of the trail are breathtaking and actually rival the view from the top. If you have all day, bring a bating suit and a picnic and bask in one of the few places you have found in Nicaragua where the flowing water by a city is not polluted or being used to wash clothes.

Depending on your fitness level, the next half of the hike should take you between 30 minutes to an hour. The inclines definitely start to rise, and you may find yourself having to hold onto what you can find to hoist yourself up. Make sure to wear loose clothing so as to maximize your ability to move comfortably.

Nearing the top, you will see a treeline with nothing beyond it. That is your goal - perfect timing too, because you're sure to be ready for it by now! There is a wooden deck that is built at the top that serves as a lookout point over Matagalpa. The view doesn't disappoint.

Check out more info about Nicaragua on our website www.vayavolunteers.com !

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