You may have noticed, as we have, how quickly children learn a second language compared to adults. It's inspiring to watch how children pick up new vocabulary words or use grammar correctly after hearing it just once!
Well adults, don't be too hard on yourselves...children are still able to use and change their brains in ways that are not available to adults. There is something known as the Critical Period Hypothesis, which explains how when learning a language as a child, you are able to use both the left and right side of the brain.
Watch this short 5 minute TED talk for more information about this interesting subject!
TED Talk- The Benefits of a Bilingual Brain
Then visit to find out how you can volunteer to teach English to children in Nicaragua who at lucky to be in this critical learning period!
Also check out what we're doing in our classes!
VAYA's English Classes
The mission of Vaya has two components that aim to enrich the lives of both our volunteers and the children of Matagalpa. Our goal is to increase the English proficiency level of the children thereby increasing opportunities for higher education. Our goal for the volunteers is to create global citizens who understand the value of learning from experiences and share a mutual respect and understanding for another culture and way of life.
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